Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Book "The correct value of Ayanamsa - An investigation by Swami Sadasiva Giri"
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Charts 22 - 26
MALE 22/09/1964 DELHI 02.00 HRS.
25-04-1958 ANUPSHAHAR (UP) 17.57 HRS.
CASE24) BY Vishnu Kumar Misra (09868259633)
15-01-1975 MURADNAGAR (UP) 00.42 HRS.
CASE25) BY Vishnu Kumar Misra (09868259633)
05-08-1977 NANGAL (PUNJAB) 15.05 HRS.
CASE26) BY Vishnu Kumar Misra (09868259633)
24-11-1979 MATHURA 05.05 HRS.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Divya Dristi Research Excellent Software
Some Queries and Replies in RED Colour obtained from
Mr. P L Patodia, Partner, Excellent Software
1. One person can not feed data of thousands of horoscopes, there should be some kind of Internet connectivity of the software to upload and download data of all the users for each other, once a large data bank is available/created/centralized than only it will be useful for all the astrologers to prove the results to the whole world.
This is a very nice suggestion and should be available at our web site by end of April 2010.
2. Instead of making categories while feeding the data, there should be keywords like Internet search engines, because there are too many limitations with the category type of data feeding, software will search only in one particular category e.g. one person may create a category named wealthy person and somebody else may call it Millionaires and so on there will be endless categories for the same thing and the software will search only in one category, so use of keywords and thesaurus will be very useful instead of category. (In this case user can give a brief description of all important life events also)
This suggestion is very nice. However, we slightly differ with you. While thesaurus can give matching words for a single word, the category may have more than one word for example 'Cricket Player'. So, thesaurus is hardly helpful. What we believe is required to replace a category. For example, if another person has created 'Millionaire' and in your database, the relevant category is 'Wealthy', you should have a facility to replace 'Millionaire' with 'Wealthy'.
3. Most of the Astrologers are using just 2-3 softwares these days (Parasher/Future Point) and have a good data bank of their own, if that data can be imported here that will save a lot of time of data feeding.
Please note that we have around 5 thousand customers in India and abroad for our astrology software "Divya Dristi". We store data in database, so we know exactly the number of horoscopes and provide search facility. However, most other companies store each horoscope data in individual file and in their own format. So, until the concerned company gives their format, it is not possible for us to provide any import facility.
4. When the research results are shown, the following should also be shown:
a) No. of horoscopes should be flashed in one corner from which the results are being shown.
b) For any result there should be possibility of going inside of that result by pressing enter to see which horoscopes are giving that result.
c) The results which are being shown, whether they have any classical reference also.
(a) is provided
(b) is related to first suggestion. Until that is done, this is not possible. So, both will be implemented at one go.
(c) is practically not possible. The reason being codifying hundreds of classical references so that computer can understand it requires very large resources. Presently, we do not have these resources. It is not
possible to implement it till we have minimum 20,000 customers.
5. Whatever we are doing in our desktop, there should be an option to do the same online also by using a user ID and password so that the user have both the options to do the research online or on his own desktop or both by exhanging data as mentioned in pt. 1 above.
The research program is not a simple program. It contains over 2 lakh lines of programs. So, converting it into net language requires huge resources. So, this is also not possible till we reach minimum customer base of 20,000 for this particular product. However, exchanging horoscope data and attribute is not a big issue and it can be provided. We also feel that it is of little use to do same thing on desktop and on net.
6. In continuation of the above online facilities data of famous personalities of the world may be made available to the users by the promoters themselves.
This is a good suggestion and we shall be implementing it based on the response of the software.
7. An online Interaction Plateform / Blog is also necessary for the users.
Good suggestion and can be implemented easily. Forum can be provided to all users whereas blogging facility will be provided to limited members. However, there is no use of providing this until we have minimum of 400-500 customers. Why? In one of our seminar, some customers suggested the same. We have created the Forum. In spite of having 5000 customers, we have hardly received 10 messages in 3 months and ultimately closed it. So, until there are active users, just providing facility is of little use.
8. After feeding the data and getting the results, the software must show the list of other charts also where we have not entered any data or there is no similar data but similar combinations are present, that will help us either to predict a similar result or to see that a similar combination is not giving similar result in how many horoscopes.
Please note that this is in our agenda from the beginning. However, there are two important points to be noted here:
(1) This will take around 2 to 3 months time.
(2) We do not want to store top 'n' results. Rather, we would like to provide facility where a user can select (or deselect) each result and only selected results will be stored in the database. Then these can be
applied to all the charts. This will enable the verification (or confirmation) of research.
Finally, we would like to inform the following very important point:
Each suggestion received will be discussed with Shri K N Raoji and Shri Deepak Bisariji. After discussion, all the approved / modified suggestions will be stored and implemented at one go.
Thanks and Best Regards,
P L Patodia,
Partner, Excellent Software
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Revised version of An introduction to the ongoing Research with four categories
An introduction to the ongoing Group Research Project – Jan-June, 2010 Session Profession with focus on the 11th house Deepak Bisaria Overview Tradition is an important ingredient of the craft of astrology. It is bolstered through research. Classical shlokas alone, in their original form are not adequate. Since classical texts were passed on verbally by our great sages thousands of year ago, transmission loss is possible when they written down by the astrologers of recent centuries. Therefore, testing them is essential to get to the correct predictions. It has been observed that eight different versions of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra have some variations in the shlokas. . Besides, presuming that the shlokas have come to us untouched from the diya drishti (supernatural powers) of the creator rishis, yet they require interpretation in the modern context. We have to interpret modern education like computer science and modern careers like web designing and aviation hospitality from the same planetary configurations which were being used to interpret a profession of the same family but not quite the same. We have to link the classical texts to the situation of the current life. It is logical to think that new conditions under classical principles could operate. Through research we have to get there. Research is a synonym of modification and adaption and there is no place for fixity and dogmatism. The goal at the macro-level is to make astrology more scientific and more research based. We are convinced that astrology is on solid foundations for the simple and undisputed reason that we have experienced it. However, we have to demonstrate to society at large that astrology throws up principles that can be generalised and used in multiple horoscopes - replicability . We have to take along other stake holders to combine for a collective effort to establish the validity of astrology and take it ahead. Without outside support this super science will continue to remain under utilized. We propose to have a bank and deposit all the relevant shlokas that can be dug out of the classics. The modern interpretation of these classical shlokas by Shri. K.N. Rao, Late Pandit Hardeo Sharma Trivedi , Col A.K. Gour and others as also their views on related matters would be included. To make a statement that all houses are linked to each other and they have a connection with the 11th house that governs income, gains and achievements besides others, would not be incorrect. Let us evaluate:- i) The 1st house is linked as it represents the self ii) The second as it indicates the wealth iii) The third as it signifies self-effort for the achivement iv) Simhasan and peace of mind v) A Lakshmi sthan , children and mental make-up vi) enemies, competition vii) partnerships viii) changes – transfers, promotions or change in type of business ix) Fortune and father x) Career and profession xi Income and gains xii) Loss It is proposed that the bank would have the relevant to profession and income from the twelve houses of the following . - 1) Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra BPHS2 2) Brihat Jatak 3) Phaldeepika 4) Jatak Parijat 5) Saravali 6) Sarvarth Chintamani 7) Satyajatakam 8) Brighu 9) Nadi 10) Bhatta Utpala 11) Principles in Vishvvijay Panchang 12) Ups and Downs in Career Shri K. N. Rao 13) Profession 14) Group Researches on Profession/ Journal of Astrology
The 11th house matters, as per `Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra ' include i) The son's wife ii) Quadrupeds besides income and gains. Many other matters like elder brother are also seen from the 11th house as also pets.We need to point out whether a strong 11th house, in a particular horoscope is indicating income and gains or some other matter governed by the 11th house by making an assessment of the horoscope in totality. Since positioning of planets indicate only major life events, this assessment is necessary . The upachaya bhavas are important with respect to career, income and gains. The analysis of effort( represented by the 3rd house), competition (from 6th ) and karmas (from the 10th) is crucial. A connection of 3,6,10 and 11, therefore reveals a lot.The 11th house is also known as the house of maya and poses as the roadblock for moksha. Engagements with effort (3) inclinations (5) competition (6) partnership and society ( 7 ) are all for achievements gains and income represented by the 11th house for the modern man whose prime focus is to carve a niche for himself in the society to satisfy his ego and enjoy worldy pleasures. The 3,7, 11 houses are kaam (desire)houses. He is motivated by the sensuality and greed (mayavi powers) They incline him and prompt him to do the karmas. To begin with we will take horoscopes under four catergories (attributes) i) sportsman ii) wealthy persons (successful industrialist and businessman) iii) politicians and iv) People with major ups and downs in career and mid-career crisis in particular. The final analysis should reveal the common factors that go to make a roller coaster career graph for these categories. The other common features that emerge will help us set the parameters, test the parameters, eliminate the ineffective parameters chosen with their variables and guide us to the matrix for our research model. Once having processed our data with help of the recently introduced software developed by Mr. P.L. Patodia under guidance of Shri K.N. Rao and Shri Shankar Hegde, we shall reach illumination and should have a set of tested parameters and a methodology to predict profession related to the 11th house more efficiently. The sample size for each category should be atleast 100 that would make the total size of 300 horoscopes.
We would use two dashas – Vimshottari and Chara during class room discussion Parameters to assess the type of occupation – business or service 1) Check the number of planets between 7th to 1st houses and or 1st to 7th houses. More planets in the visible half ( 7th to 1st would indicate business and more between 1st and 7th would indicate service. Concentration around 6th house would indicate service and concentration around the 10th business. Concentration around the Lagna a strong personality and around the 4th focus on home. The 4th also represents Simhasan. It has been found through research that 4th and 5th is also become active in case of top position as was found in the research on Prime Ministers. The differentiation has to come here. 2) Poorna Paramatmamsha Planets . As per Brihat parasher Hora Shastra sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu are Poorna Paramatmamsha Planets. Whereas, Mercury, Jupiter Venus, Saturn and Ketu are called "Jeevamsa Samanvit" PAC influence of PPP on Lagna and the 10th house gives independence and entrepreneurship and the person is more likely to be business 3) Saturn: Unafflicted and in the visible half is likely to give entrepreneurship. Gocharastha and Agocharastha Saturn. 4) Stength of the 6th house/lord vis-à-vis lagna/lagna lord 5) Dhan Yoga 6) PAC of 3rd House/Lord with 9th and 10th houses or lords 7) Indu Lagna and Indu Lagnesh 8) Navamsha 9) Dashamsha Significance of names of 10 dasamshas in BPHS 10) Dashas 11) Transit The Double transit phenomenon 12) Jaimini Amatyakaraka and the 10th from it 13) The 10th from Karkamsha Lagna, Sun , Moon , Lagna , Saturn or Mercury. 14) 10th Pada 15) Role of bhava madhya 16) Role of Vyavsaya Saham 17) Role of Gnati karaka 18) Analysis of the horoscope from the mahadashanath 19) Weightage to aspects 20) Sarvashtakavarga points in the 10th house vis-à-vis the 11th
Parameters to assess the type of income : Role of upachaya houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 in assessing income Sources of income : Does it depend on the number of planets associated with the 11th lord- It needs testing Predicting changes in sources of income : Is there a 5th 6th or 8th house involvement aas the 5th is the 8th from the 10th , 6th is 8th from the 11th and 8th is the 8th from the ascendant This too needs testing. Role of Vasumati yoga , Anpha, Sunpha , Durdhara , Gajkesri, Vesi/Vosi, etc indicating wealth and well-being Role of Bhagyavahana yoga: Lords of the 4th and the 9th interchange their houses. Similar results occur of the 4th and the 5th lords. The lagna lord in the 4th also gives Vahana yoga Planets connected with 11th house and 11th lord will give gains Benefic yogas connected with 11th house will give gains Dhan Saham The 11th lord in 2nd and 2nd lord in the 11th or Jupiter in 11th immense gains Role of Jupiter as karko bhavnashaya in 11th house The 11th lord in 3rd and benefics in 11th – gains by own effort
Brihat Jatak Chapter 10 (Karamjeevi Adhyaya)If benefic planets are strong and occupy the lagna, the 2nd and 11th house, they are instrumental in giving income from different sources. Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 21 Shloka 11:Should Rahu, Sun, Saturn and mars be in the 11th the person will incur cessation of duties Shloka 13 : Should the 10th lord be in the 11th while the 11th lord is in the ascendant and Venus is in the 10th the native will be endowed with precious stones Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 2 : Should the 11th lord be in the 11th itself or be in an angle or a trine from the ascendant there will be many gains. Similarly, if the 11th lord is exalted though in combustion there will be many gains. Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 3: If the 11th lord is in the 2nd , while the 2nd lord is in angle (from the ascendant ) along with Jupiter, the gains will be great. Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 7: Should Jupiter, Mercury, Mercury and the Moon be in the 11th from the 11th (i.e. 9th from ascendant ) the person will be endowed with wealth, grains, fortunes, diamonds, ornaments, etc. Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 9: If the 11th lord is in the 2nd as the 2nd lord is in the 11th, one will amass abundant fortune after marriage. Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 10: If the 11th lord is in the 3rd as the 3rd lord is in the 11th, one will gain wealth through co-born and be endowed with excellent ornaments. Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 11: There will be no gains in spite of numerous efforts if the 11th lord is in fall, in combination or be in the 6th/8th/12th with a malefic
. Pet lovers: Jupiter or Moon should have association with 6H/6L, 11H/11L . Moon Jupiter may aspect each other. SPECIFIC RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: 1) To test the chosen parameters 2) To rate these parameters in terms of their applicability 3) To determine the weightage to be given to each parameter 4) To eliminate superfluous parameters for the final mehtodology 5) To formulate a methodology that could better the success rate of predictions 6) To answer some of the unanswered questions 7) To reach illumination. Methodology First step :-Horoscope authentication. Never presume that the birth time that has been given to you is correct is a guiding principle that should always remain with us while analyzing a horoscope We would take horoscopes of celebrities that have been tested as also of people intimately known to the guide or the researchers. Birth time rectification by applying Navamsha dasha and also verification of events with Chara dasha and Vimshottari dasha has been found giving good results. For birth time rectification we applied the rules given in the book "The correct value of Ayanamsa – An investigation by Swami Sadasiva Giri". As per Swami Sadasiva Giri the pratyantar dasha lord at the time of birth is linked to the Lagna or the Lagna lord which has also been found convincing Birth time authentication will also be done by assessment of siblings and children as was done in the previous research session with success
Second step Discussion to be focussed to empirically test the hypothesis for establishing that the listed parameters apply in a horoscope and to recommend the weightage that should be given to each parameter Apart from these parameters, we propose to analyse related variables and supplementary factors like the role of the Mercury and the 10th from it for business. Use of other Jaimini and Parashari conditional dashas , Use of Tajik for prediction , Ashtakvarga , etc, can also be done at the individual level Individual researchers can develop full fledged theses at their level, in addition to the group project. The strength of each parameter under test is to be calibrated to determine its contribution in determining the fate of profession and income Event based cases, involving mid-career changes, profession related to education, sources of income , change in source of income and the like would be taken up .The goals, targets and proposed presentation is put on the site www.trintrin.com which is being accessed by all researchers . Ideas and suggestions are being sent to astro@trintrin.com. This has been organized by Shri DineshJain Display of horoscopes with D1, D-9, D-10 charts on a laptop screen has been arranged in the class room to save time. It is suggested along with digital records the researchers should paste the horoscope discussed in a register with events, findings and observations for better concentration and analysis. The process of horoscope analysis in class room has started and these horoscopes have been put on the |
The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.
Charts 20 - 21
MALE, 19 FEB. 1952 GHAZIABAD 05.53.36 HRS.
a) 1965-----------Started Furniture Shop (Average Business) till 1974.
b) 1974---------- Patnership firm another started (Big demand in business)but
within the 6 months in 1975 that patnership firm broken.
c) 1975-----------Another Patnership firm opened but that also did not run
successfully and it is also closed in 1977.
d) 1979----------Another Patnership Firm opened and broken within a year.
e) 1982-84------Good Business and earn good money also.
f) 1985-99-------No improvment in business and person did not focus on
business inspite of have good relation in politician but his
friends encashed his contacts and earn huge money with the
help of this person and he didn't know this thing.
g) 2000---------- Started a business of electrical appliances (C & F )
2003----------Closed the business of electrical appliance and got large amount
of loss arround 10 lacs rupees.
h) 2003-----------Son's Marriage
i) 2007-----------Another Son's Marriage
j) From 2009-----------Smooth Business is running person is busy in the business
with both sons.
Overall the person did not gain in business but he is very strong from the family(reputed family).Actually he is having good property from his father till today. Person have good respect and reputation in the society but struggling in business.
MALE, 18 MAY 1961, GHAZIABAD, 00.57 HRS.
Sibling--------------Total 4
Education --------Metric(1978)
1978--------------Shop of Sanitary goods & Pipe Fittings
28/06/82----------First Female Child
30/08/84----------Second Child (Female)
07/08/86----------Third Child (Male)
1981-1995--------Average Business with no downfall
1995-2005--------Earn good money with good profit margin, contineously up with no downfall.
(Without any tension)
2005----------------Buy plot
11/2006------------Started New business of tiles.
2008-----------------Sold plot with huge profit margin
Now Business is running very well and work load is increasing day by day but tensions in the business is also there.Person is having a good reputation in the business and earning well.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Charts 15 - 19
15/01/1977 VADODARA 08.05
28-09-1969 CHENNAI, 11.20 HRS. MALE
Background: Engineer (Printing Technologist);
Sibling: One sister born on 17 Sep 1980 who studied M.Sc Mathematics, married on 25 May 2001 to own uncle?s son and is now working as a teacher in a govt school. She has 2 girl children.Father - Retired fabrication contractor, Mother - Retired teacher,
- Marriage 19 May 1996. Wife is a B.Com graduate
- Birth of children Boy: 25 May 1997, Girl: 01 Oct 1999
- Accident 31 Dec 1993 (Major car accident with 6 of his family members, Car tilted upside down under a transformer)
- Joining college Aug 1987
- Graduating from college May 1991
- First job 23 May 1991 (Had to shift to Hyderabad from Chennai)
- Change of jobs (Sep 1991 Came back to Chennai and joined another company), (May 1993 Joined a company in Singapore), (May 1998 Came back to Chennai and joined another company), (Feb 2007 - Joined previous employer as CEO)
- Setting up business June 2001
- Meeting new business partners Nov 2004
- Travel abroad (Jan 2005 to USA), (Aug 2005, Oct 2005 to UK and Europe) and Feb 2006 to UK and Europe
- Buying property (Land bought and house constructed in Jan 1996), (Flat bought in Jun 2005 where he is currently living), (Land bought in Trichy in Nov 2008)
Female; Oct 31, 1975; 19:10 hours; Delhi
Background: Education - B. Com, M. Com, M. Phil
Married; Two sons; One younger sister; Father mentally unstable and not traceable since Jun 3, 1998; Mother stays at home with her;
She is employed as a teacher in college
- Used to earn through tuitions from Mar 1993 till Jun 1999
- Employment: 1st job Jun 1, 1996; 2nd job Aug 11, 1996; Then joined M.Com; Earned on the side through usher's job in exhibitions from Jul 1997 to Jan 1999; Job after M.Com on Jun 11, 1998; Next job as guest lecturer in three colleges from Sep 1998 till Mar 30, 1999; Guest lecturer in single colleges from Apr to Jun 1999, Jul 1999 to Aug 1999; Lecturer in multiple colleges from Aug 1999 to May 2000; Part-time lecturer multiple colleges from Jul 2000 to Dec 4, 2000; Temporary lecturer in one college from Dec 5, 2000 to Oct 31, 2001 plus teaching in four other colleges as guest; Lecturer's job in Calcutta from Nov 5, 2001 to May 31, 2003; Lecturer in Delhi from Jul 21, 2005 to Apr 30, 2006; Next college Nov 20, 2006 to Apr 30, 2008; Permanent lecturer's job in college from Jul 16, 2008
- Oct 2000 cleared NET exam with JRF scholarship
- Marriage: Feb 3, 2001
- Shifted to Calcutta in Nov 2001, shifted back to Delhi on Apr 1, 2005
- 1st son: Aug 22, 2003; Miscarriage on Oct 8, 2005; 2nd son: Aug 14, 2006
- M.Phil obtained on Feb 22, 2003
17-12-1983 DELHI 10.17 AM
01-01-1976 DELHI 21.35 HRS.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Charts 5 - 14
29-04-79 BULANDSHAHR 09.30
27-02-1981 DELHI 16.55
17.10.1954 HYD. 0652
09/05/1956 DELHI 1055
15/01/1956 DELHI 08.48
CASE 10)
02/11/1940 ETAWAH 00.22 CCC
CASE 11)
27/01/1956 ALIGARH 06.40
31/10/1980 DELHI 21.25
MBA - MAY 2005, 1ST JOB JULY 2005-23 SEP 05, 2ND JOB 24 SEP - 30 NOV 05, 3RD JOB 1 DEC 05 - 18 FEB 06, JOBLESS FROM FEB 06 - APRIL 07, 4TH JOB 23 APR 07 - 25 NOV 09, 5TH JOB 26 NOV 09 - 25 JAN 10, NOW JOBLESS,
03/08/1954 DELHI 16.02
05/10/1949 DELHI 10.45
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sent: Wed 2/3/2010 11:01 AM
Sir i am giving some principles for diciding profession based on booklet of shri Hardeo sharmaji and elaborated by Rao Sahab and published in Journal of Astrology
step first :- Initially, examine the 10th house from the lagna and the planets and aspects of planets on it.
step2:- Now take the 10th lord and again examine the planets associated with it and aspects on it.
step3:- finally,see the navamsha lord of the 10th lord from lagna in the birth horoscopr and also the navamsha. Blend all the these and see the significations given under the key-planets
if key planet is SUN:- profession will be sale/purchase of medicine,grains,gold/etc
Moon:- profession will be sale/purchase of Articles to and from royalty,cloths,watery products etc
MARS:- profession will be relate to fightinh ,fire,metals,contractors work gambling etc
MERCURY:- poetry jounalisam classical media etc
Jup:- teaching banking and financial activity etc
VENUS:- vehicles, jewels milk products cattle amorous occupation etc
SATURN:- communication transport, low quality sculpture, slaugherer, wood etc
Ramesh Aggarwal
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Parameter from Successful Predictive Techniques of Hindu Astrology by Shri K.N.Rao
Eleventh from Upapada reveals whether the income is from morally accepted sources or immoral.sources Deepak Bisaria |
Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Charts 1 - 4
CASE1) by Mr. Deepak Bisaria
Ram Kishan Dalmia, Industrialist DOB 7th April, 1893 11:26 Chirawa Dist Jhunjhunu Rajasthan
7 Marriages
CASE2) by Mr. Deepak Bisaria
H.P. Nanda , Industrialist DOB 9th January, 1917 TOB: 8:59 JAMMU
CASE3) by Mr. Deepak Bisaria
Ashok Grover Businessman DOB 15th January, 1955 TOB :4:34 DELHI
CASE4) by Mr. Deepak Bisaria
Rishi Prasad 3rd October 1971 16 :47 Delhi
IOAs BVB Group Research Project Jan-June, 2010 Session
Profession with focus on the 11th house
Tradition is an important ingredient of the craft of astrology, which is bolstered through research. Strong research is necessary for the progress of astrology. Modernising is essential to get to the correct predictions. Classical shlokas alone, in their original form are not adequate. They have to be interpreted, in today's context with modifications.
We propose to have a bank and deposit all the shlokas that can be dug out of the classics. The interpretation of these classical shlokas by Shri. K.N. Rao. Late Pandit Hardeo Sharma Trivedi , Col A.K. Gour and others as also their views on related matters would o be included.
All houses can be linked to income and profession:- i) The 1st house as it represents the self ii) The second as it indicates the wealth iii) The third as it signifies self-effort iv) Simhasan and peace of mind v) A Lakshmi sthan , Children and mental make-up vi) Enemies, competition vii) Partnerships viii) Changes transfers, promotions or change in type of business ix) Fortune and father x) Career and profession xi Income and gains xii) Loss
For the time being, the bank should have only the relevant to profession and income from the twelve houses of the following . -
1) Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra BPHS
2) Brihat Jatak
3) Phaldeepika
4) Jatak Parijat
5) Saravali
6) Sarvarth Chintamani
7) Satyajatakam
8) Brighu
9) Nadi
10) Bhatta Utpala
11) Principles in Vishvvijay Panchang
12) Ups and Downs in Career Shri K. N. Rao
13) Profession Col A.K. Gour
14) Group Researches on Profession/ Journal of Astrology
The 11th house matters, as per `Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra ' include i) The son's wife ii) Quadrupeds besides income and gains. Many other matters like elder brother are also seen from the 11th house as also pets.
We need to point out whether a strong 11th house, in a particular horoscope is indicating income and gains or some other matter governed by the 11th house by making an assessment of the horoscope in totality with the focus on the 11th house. Since positioning of planets indicate only major life events,this assessment is necessary
We would use two dashas Vimshottari and Chara during class room discussion
Parameters to assess the type of occupation business or service
1) Check the number of planets between 7th to 1st houses and or 1st to 7th houses. More planets in the visible half ( 7th to 1st would indicate business and more between 1st and 7th would indicate service. Concentration around 6th house would indicate service and concentration around the 10th business. Concentration around the Lagna a strong personality and around the 4th focus on home. The 4th also represents Simhasan. It has been found through research that 4th and 5th is also become active in case of top position as was found in the research on Prime Ministers. The differentiation has to come here.
2) Poorna Paramatmamsha Planets . As per Brihat parasher Hora Shastra Sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu are Poorna Paramatmamsha Planets. Whereas, Mercury, Jupiter Venus, Saturn and Ketu are called "Jeevamsa Samanvit" PAC influence of PPP on Lagna and the 10th house gives independence and entrepreneurship and the person is more likely to be business
3) Saturn: Unafflicted and in the visible half is likely to give entrepreneurship. Gocharastha and Agocharastha Saturn.
4) Stength of the 6th house/lord vis-à-vis lagna/lagna lord
5) Dhan Yoga
6) PAC of 3rd House/Lord with 9th and 10th houses or lords
7) Indu Lagna and Indu Lagnesh
8) Navamsha
9) Dashamsha Significance of names of 10 dasamshas in BPHS
10) Dasha
11) Transit The Double transit Phenomenon
12) Amatyakaraka
13) The 10th from Karkamsha Lagna, Sun , Moon , Lagna , Saturn or Mercury.
Income :
Brihat Jatak Chapter 10 (Karamjeevi Adhyaya)If benefic planets are strong and occupy the lagna, the 2nd and 11th house, they are instrumental in giving income from different sources.
Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 21 Shloka 11:Should Rahu, Sun, Saturn and mars be in the 11th the person will incur cessation of duties
Shloka 13 : Should the 10th lord be in the 11th while the 11th lord is in the ascendant and Venus is in the 10th the native will be endowed with precious stones
Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 2 : Should the 11th lord be in the 11th itself or be in an angle or a trine from the ascendant there will be many gains. Similarly, if the 11th lord is exalted though in combustion there will be many gains.
Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 3: If the 11th lord is in the 2nd , while the 2nd lord is in angle (from the ascendant ) along with Jupiter, the gains will be great.
Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 7: Should Jupiter, Mercury, Mercury and the Moon be in the 11th from the 11th (i.e. 9th from ascendant ) the person will be endowed with wealth, grains, fortunes, diamonds, ornaments, etc.
Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 9: If the 11th lord is in the 2nd as the 2nd lord is in the 11th, one will amass abundant fortune after marriage.
Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 10: If the 11th lord is in the 3rd as the 3rd lord is in the 11th, one will gain wealth through co-born and be endowed with excellent ornaments.
Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra : Chapter 22 Shloka 11: There will be no gains in spite of numerous efforts if the 11th lord is in fall, in combination or be in the 6th/8th/12th with a malefic
Role of upachaya houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 in assessing income
Sources of income
Predicting changes in sources of income
How two predict more than one source of income.
Role of Vasumati yoga , Anpha, Sunpha , Durdhara , Gajkesri, Vesi/Vosi, etc indicating wealth and well-being
Role of Bhagyavahana yoga: Lords of the 4th and the 9th interchange their houses. Similar results occur of the 4th and the 5th lords. The lagna lord in the 4th also gives Vahana yoga.
Pet lovers: Jupiter or Moon should have association with 6H/6L, 11H/11L . Moon Jupiter may aspect each other.
Planets connected with 11th house and 11th lord will give gains
Benefic yogas connected with 11th house will give gains
Dhan Saham
The 11th lord in 2nd and 2nd lord in the 11th or Jupiter in 11th immense gains
Jupiter as Karko bhavnashaya in 11th
The 11th lord in 3rd and benefics in 11th gains by own efforts
1) To fix applicable parameters to assess the type of profession and for assessing the type of income
2) To rate these parameters in terms of their applicability
3) To apportion the weightage to be given to each parameter
4) To formulate a methodology that could better the success rate of successful predictions
5) To answer some of the unanswered questions
First step :-Horoscope authentication. We would take horoscopes of celebrities that have been tested as also of people intimately known to the guide or the researchers. Birth time rectification by applying Navamsha dasha and also verification of events with Chara dasha and Vimshottari dasha has been found giving good results. For birth time rectification we applied the rules given in the book "The correct value of Ayanamsa An investigation by Swami Sadasiva Giri". As per Swami Sadasiva Giri the pratyantar dasha lord at the time of birth is linked to the Lagna or the Lagna lord which has also been found convincing Birth time authentication will also be done by assessment of siblings and children as was done in the previous research session with success
Second step Discussion to be focussed to empirically test the hypothesis for establishing that the listed parameters apply in a horoscope and to recommend the weightage that should be given to each parameter Apart from these parameters, we propose to analyse related variables and supplementary factors like the role of the Mercury and the 10th from it ifor business. Use of other Jaimini and Parashari conditional dashas , Use of Tajik for prediction , Ashtakvarga , etc,
These factors could also be analysed by individual researchers to develop full fledged theses at the individual level, in addition to the group project.
The strength of each parameter under test is to be calibrated to determine its contribution in determining the fate of profession and income recorded Event based cases, involving mid-career changes, profession related to education, sources of income , change in source of income and the like would be taken up .The goals, targets and proposed presentation is put on the site www.trintrin.com which is being accessed by all researchers . Ideas and suggestions are being sent to astro@trintrin.com. This has been organized by Shri DineshJain Display of horoscopes with D1, D-9, D-10 charts on a laptop screen has been arranged in the class room to save time. It is suggested along with digital records the researchers should paste the horoscope discussed in a register with events, findings and observations for better concentration and analysis
The five horoscopes proposed for class room discussion would be :
1) Ram Kishan Dalmia, Industrialist DOB 7th April, 1893 11:26 Chirawa Dist Jhunjhunu Rajasthan
2) H.P. Nanda , Industrialist DOB 9th January, 1917 TOB: 8:59 JAMMU
3) Ashok Grover Businessman DOB 15th January, 1955 TOB :4:34 DELHI
4) Rishi Prasad 3rd October 1971 16 :47 Delhi
Friday, January 22, 2010
Charts to be analysed
D1, D9, D10. Additionally we can analyse D2 for wealth/prosperity
Shira Karaka - Saturn - Service ,
Jupiter - Significator of 11H as well as karaka of wealth
Mercury - Karaka for business
10/11 L
Navamsha lord of 10L
Jaimini Karaka AmK
Additionally we can analyse Venus to see wealth
Analysis to be made
1. 10H/11H from to be analysed from Lagna as well as from stronger of Sun and Moon
2. 10H from Saturn for service
3. 11H from significator of 11H i.e Jupiter
4. Bhavatbhavam of 10H/11H (7H/8H)
5. AmK and 10/11H from AmK
6. 10/11 L in different houses
7. Planets in visible/invisible half
8. Panets/houses influencing 11H/11L in source of income
9. Connection of 10H/L with 11H/L in profession. Whether there shall always be connection of 10H/L with 11H/L in all cases where an individual is having a profession/source of income
11. What is the role 11H/L when there is multiple source of income ?
12. Ups and downs in career/income - What is the relationship with 11H/L ?
1. Vimshottari - Dasha of 10/11L/Plantes influencing 10/11H/L (from L & Moon)
2. Jaimini - Dasha of 10/11 H sign from Lagna/AmK
1. Saturn, Jupiter and 10/11L at the time of earning
Books which can be used other than classics
1. Astrology of Professions - Col. Gour
2. Ups and downs in career - Shri. K.N. Rao Sir
3. Planets and Education - Shri. Naval Singh