Saturday, March 6, 2010

Revised version of An introduction to the ongoing Research with four categories

An introduction to the ongoing Group


Research ProjectJan-June, 2010 Session

                      Profession with focus on the 11th house

                                                                                               Deepak Bisaria




Tradition is an important ingredient of the craft of astrology. It is bolstered through research. Classical shlokas alone, in their original form are not adequate.  Since classical texts were passed on verbally by our great sages thousands of year ago, transmission loss is possible when they written down by the astrologers of recent centuries.  Therefore, testing them  is essential to get to the correct predictions. It has been observed that eight different versions of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra have some variations in the shlokas. .

Besides, presuming that the shlokas have come to us untouched  from the diya drishti (supernatural powers) of the creator rishis,  yet they require interpretation in the modern context. We have to interpret modern education like computer science and modern careers like web designing and aviation hospitality from the same planetary configurations which were being used to interpret a  profession of the same family but not quite the same. We have to link the classical texts to the situation of the current life. It is logical to think that new conditions under classical principles could operate. Through research we have to get there. Research is a synonym of modification and adaption and there is no place for fixity and dogmatism. 

  The goal at the macro-level is to make astrology more scientific and more research based. We are convinced that astrology is on solid foundations for the simple and undisputed reason that we have experienced it. However, we have to demonstrate to  society at large that astrology throws up principles that can be generalised and used in multiple horoscopes - replicability . We have to take along other stake holders  to combine for a collective effort to establish the  validity of astrology and take it ahead. Without  outside support this super science will continue to remain under utilized. 



We propose to have a bank and deposit all the relevant shlokas that can be dug out of the classics. The modern interpretation of these classical shlokas by Shri. K.N. Rao, Late Pandit Hardeo Sharma Trivedi , Col A.K. Gour and others as also their views on related matters would  be included.


 To make a statement that all houses are linked to each other and they have a connection with the 11th house that governs income, gains and achievements besides others, would not be incorrect. Let us evaluate:- i) The 1st house is linked as it represents the self  ii) The second as it indicates the wealth iii) The third as it signifies self-effort for the achivement iv) Simhasan and peace of mind v) A Lakshmi sthan , children and mental make-up vi) enemies, competition vii) partnerships viii) changes – transfers, promotions or change in type of business ix) Fortune and father x) Career and profession xi Income and  gains xii) Loss



It is proposed that the bank would  have the relevant to profession and income from the twelve houses of the following . -

1)      Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra BPHS2

2)      Brihat Jatak

3)      Phaldeepika

4)      Jatak Parijat

5)      Saravali

6)      Sarvarth Chintamani

7)      Satyajatakam

8)      Brighu

9)      Nadi

10)  Bhatta Utpala      

11)  Principles in Vishvvijay Panchang

12)  Ups and Downs in Career Shri K. N. Rao

13)  Profession Col A.K. Gour

14)  Group Researches on Profession/ Journal of Astrology




  The 11th house matters, as per `Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra ' include i) The son's wife ii) Quadrupeds besides income and gains. Many other matters like elder brother are also seen from the 11th house as also pets.We need to point out whether a strong 11th house, in a particular horoscope is indicating income and gains or some other matter governed by the 11th house by making an assessment of the horoscope in totality. Since positioning of planets indicate only major life events, this assessment is necessary .



The upachaya bhavas are important with respect to career, income and gains. The  analysis of effort( represented  by the 3rd house), competition (from 6th ) and karmas (from the 10th)  is crucial. A connection of 3,6,10 and 11, therefore  reveals a lot.The 11th house is also known as the house of maya and poses as the roadblock for moksha. Engagements with effort (3) inclinations (5) competition (6) partnership and society ( 7 ) are all for achievements gains and income represented by the 11th house for the modern man whose prime focus is to carve a niche for himself  in the society to satisfy his ego and enjoy worldy pleasures. The 3,7, 11 houses are kaam (desire)houses. He is motivated by the sensuality and greed (mayavi powers) They  incline him and prompt him to do the karmas.



To begin with we will take horoscopes under  four  catergories (attributes) i) sportsman ii) wealthy persons (successful industrialist and businessman) iii) politicians and iv) People with major ups and downs in career and mid-career crisis in particular.


The final analysis should reveal the common factors that go to make a roller


coaster career graph for these categories.  The other common features that emerge will help us set the parameters, test the parameters, eliminate the ineffective parameters chosen with their variables and guide us to the matrix for our research model. Once having processed our data with help of the recently introduced  software developed by Mr. P.L. Patodia under guidance of Shri K.N. Rao and Shri Shankar Hegde, we shall reach illumination and should  have a set of  tested parameters and a methodology to predict profession related to the 11th house more efficiently.




The sample size for each category should be atleast 100 that would make the total size of 300 horoscopes.




We would use two dashas Vimshottari and Chara during class room discussion 



Parameters to assess the type of occupation – business or  service

1)      Check the number of planets between 7th to 1st  houses and or 1st to 7th  houses. More planets in the visible half ( 7th to 1st would indicate business and more between 1st and 7th would indicate service. Concentration around 6th house would indicate service and concentration around the 10th business. Concentration around the Lagna a strong personality and around the 4th focus on home. The 4th also represents Simhasan. It has been found through research that 4th and 5th is also become active in case of top position as was found in the research on Prime Ministers. The differentiation has to come here.

2)      Poorna Paramatmamsha Planets . As per Brihat parasher Hora Shastra sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu are Poorna Paramatmamsha Planets. Whereas,  Mercury, Jupiter Venus, Saturn and Ketu are called "Jeevamsa Samanvit" PAC influence of PPP on Lagna and the 10th house gives independence and entrepreneurship  and the person is more likely to be business    

3)      Saturn: Unafflicted and in the visible half is likely to give entrepreneurship. Gocharastha and Agocharastha Saturn.

4)      Stength of the 6th house/lord vis-à-vis lagna/lagna lord

5)      Dhan Yoga

6)      PAC of 3rd House/Lord  with 9th  and 10th houses or lords

7)      Indu Lagna  and Indu Lagnesh

8)      Navamsha

9)      Dashamsha Significance of names of 10 dasamshas in BPHS

10)  Dashas

11)  Transit The Double transit phenomenon

12)  Jaimini Amatyakaraka and the 10th from it

13)  The 10th from Karkamsha Lagna, Sun , Moon , Lagna , Saturn or Mercury.

14)  10th Pada

15)  Role of bhava madhya

16)   Role of Vyavsaya Saham

17)   Role of Gnati karaka

18)  Analysis of the horoscope from the mahadashanath

19)   Weightage to aspects

20)  Sarvashtakavarga points in the 10th house vis-à-vis the 11th




Parameters to assess the type of income : Role of upachaya houses  3, 6, 10 and 11 in assessing income

Sources of income : Does it depend on the number of planets associated with the 11th lord- It needs testing

Predicting changes in sources of income : Is there a 5th 6th or 8th    house involvement aas the 5th is the 8th from the 10th , 6th is 8th from the 11th and 8th is the 8th from the ascendant This too needs testing.

Role of Vasumati yoga , Anpha,  Sunpha , Durdhara , Gajkesri, Vesi/Vosi, etc indicating wealth and well-being

Role of Bhagyavahana yoga: Lords of the 4th and the 9th interchange their houses. Similar results occur of the 4th and the 5th lords. The lagna lord in the 4th also gives Vahana yoga Planets connected with 11th house and 11th lord will give gains

Benefic yogas connected with 11th house will give gains

Dhan Saham

The 11th lord in 2nd and 2nd lord in the 11th or Jupiter in 11th immense gains

Role of Jupiter as karko bhavnashaya in 11th house

The 11th lord in 3rd and benefics in 11th – gains by own effort


Brihat Jatak  Chapter 10 (Karamjeevi Adhyaya)If benefic planets are strong and occupy the lagna, the 2nd and 11th house, they are instrumental in giving income from different sources.

Brihat Parasher Hora  Shastra :  Chapter 21 Shloka 11:Should Rahu, Sun, Saturn and mars be in the 11th the person will incur cessation of duties

Shloka 13 : Should the 10th lord be in the 11th while the 11th lord is in the ascendant and Venus is in the 10th the native will be endowed with precious stones

Brihat Parasher Hora  Shastra :  Chapter 22 Shloka 2 : Should the 11th lord be in the 11th itself or be in an angle or a trine from the ascendant there will be many gains. Similarly, if the 11th lord is exalted though in combustion there will be many gains. 

Brihat Parasher Hora  Shastra :  Chapter 22 Shloka 3: If the 11th lord is in the 2nd , while the 2nd lord is in angle (from the ascendant ) along with Jupiter, the gains will be great.

Brihat Parasher Hora  Shastra :  Chapter 22 Shloka 7: Should Jupiter, Mercury, Mercury and the Moon be in the 11th from the 11th (i.e. 9th from ascendant ) the person will be endowed with wealth, grains, fortunes, diamonds, ornaments, etc. 

Brihat Parasher Hora  Shastra :  Chapter 22 Shloka 9: If the 11th lord is in the 2nd as the 2nd lord is in the 11th, one will amass abundant fortune after marriage.

Brihat Parasher Hora  Shastra :  Chapter 22 Shloka 10: If the 11th lord is in the 3rd as the 3rd lord is in the 11th, one will gain wealth through co-born and be endowed with excellent ornaments.

Brihat Parasher Hora  Shastra :  Chapter 22 Shloka 11: There will be no gains in spite of numerous efforts if the 11th lord is in fall, in combination or be in the 6th/8th/12th with a malefic




Pet lovers: Jupiter or Moon should have association with  6H/6L, 11H/11L . Moon Jupiter may aspect each other.


1)      To test the chosen  parameters

2)      To rate these parameters in terms of their applicability

3)      To determine the weightage to be given to each parameter

4)      To eliminate superfluous parameters for the final mehtodology

5)      To formulate a methodology that could better the success rate of  predictions

6)      To answer some of the unanswered questions   

7)      To reach illumination.


First step :-Horoscope authentication. Never presume that the birth time that has been given to you is correct is a guiding principle that should always remain with us while analyzing a horoscope We would take  horoscopes of celebrities that have been tested as also of people intimately known to the  guide or the researchers.  Birth time rectification by applying Navamsha dasha and also verification of events with Chara dasha and Vimshottari dasha has been found giving good results. For birth time  rectification we  applied the rules given in the book "The correct value of Ayanamsa – An investigation by Swami  Sadasiva Giri". As per Swami Sadasiva Giri the pratyantar dasha lord at the time of birth is linked to the Lagna or the Lagna lord which has also been found convincing  Birth time authentication will also be done by assessment of siblings and children as was done in the previous research session with success


Second step  Discussion to be focussed to empirically test the hypothesis for establishing  that the listed parameters apply  in a horoscope  and to recommend the weightage that should be given  to each parameter    Apart from these parameters, we propose to analyse related variables and supplementary factors like the role of the Mercury and the 10th from it for  business. Use of other Jaimini and Parashari conditional dashas , Use of Tajik for prediction , Ashtakvarga , etc, can also be done at the individual level

 Individual researchers can develop full fledged theses at their level, in addition to the group project. 

The strength of each parameter under test is to be calibrated to determine its contribution in determining the fate of profession and income  Event based cases, involving mid-career changes, profession related to education, sources of income , change in source of income and the like would be taken up .The  goals, targets and proposed presentation is put on the site which is being  accessed by all researchers . Ideas and suggestions are being sent to This has been organized by Shri DineshJain Display of horoscopes with D1, D-9, D-10 charts on a laptop screen has been arranged in the class room to save time. It is suggested along with digital records the researchers should paste the horoscope discussed in a register with events, findings and observations for better concentration and analysis.

The process of horoscope analysis in class room has started and these horoscopes have been put on the

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